圣经教导基督徒“一切都要为荣耀神而行”(哥林多前书10:31),并重视“纯洁”的事物...commendable...of excellence...and worthy of praise" (Philippians 4:8). Therefore, 所有学生都应该在上课时间遵守部门特定手册(可在家庭中心访问)中详细的着装准则, while on campus, and during any field trips unless directed otherwise. 学生是否遵守着装要求主要是家长的责任.
Special dress days (i.e. spirit days, dress down) will be announced by division leads as desired. All tops including jackets and sweaters worn by students in our Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and High School are to be purchased from The Cru Stop, TCA’s school uniform store. The Cru Stop is located on the main level of our campus in Room 208. The school store is open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:45am to 8:10am.
女学生可以穿黑色、海军蓝或卡其色的裙子、短裤或裤子. Male students are permitted to wear shorts or pants in black, navy, or khaki. Families are free to purchase uniform bottoms outside of the The Cru Stop.
The Christian Academy Dress Code
Early Childhood (PK)
Preschool Uniform Expectations
所有学龄前学生都必须穿着TCA颁发的上衣,这些上衣可以在网上或学校商店购买. Sweatpants can also be purchased from the school store if preferred. Parents may purchase bottoms from a store of their choosing (skirts, skorts, shorts, pants, jeans, leggings, or sweatpants).
只要实际温度在20度或以上,学龄前学生全年都需要参加户外休息. 父母有责任让他们的学生在寒冷的月份穿着适当的外套上学.
Special Dress / Dress Down Days
- No low-cut shirts.
- No tank-tops, sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps.
- Shorts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee.
- 裙子长度不能短于膝盖以上两英寸(即使里面穿了打底裤).
- 紧身裤可以搭配宽松的衬衫/上衣,完全覆盖前胸和后背.
- Cutouts in pants/shorts can be no higher than two inches above the knee.
- No hats are permitted.
- 男孩不戴耳环,不涂指甲油,不化妆,男孩和女孩都不打面部孔.
- Clothes will have no messages, slogans, or pictures that are inappropriate, divisive, 或由校长或其指定人员决定是否出于种族/政治动机.
- No secular musical groups/artists.
Elementary School (K-5th)
Elementary School Uniform Expectations
所有小学生都必须穿TCA颁发的上衣,可以为Cru站购买. 父母可以从他们选择的商店购买下装(裙子、短裤和长裤)。.
- 只要实际温度在20度或以上,小学生全年都必须参加户外休息. 父母有责任让他们的学生在寒冷的月份穿着合适的外套上学.
- 不得有任何实物装饰(衣服、珠宝、手上的文字等).), screensavers, stickers, notebooks, personal items, etc. that have messages, slogans, or pictures that are inappropriate, divisive, or racially/politically motivated. 违反这一政策可能会导致比典型的违反着装规定更严格的后果.
- It must be recognized that a dress code cannot address every area. For that reason, 政府保留解释着装规定的原则和细节的特权.
Girls Dress Code
- 裙子/短裤/短裤/套头衫坐着时不得短于膝盖以上两英寸,并且必须结实, in navy, tan or black. Students are required to wear shorts or solid color leggings under skirts.
- 棉质和灯芯绒的休闲裤可以穿,但必须穿在腰部或腰部附近(不能穿低腰裤), navy, tan or black. No denim. No cargo pockets.
- 只有白色、海军蓝/宝蓝色长袖衬衫,才可穿在TCA短袖制服衬衫内.
- Regular school shoes, boots, or athletic footwear
- No sandals, flip flops, open toed or open heeled footwear is to be worn
Hair and Piercings
- Hair must be kept neat and clean.
- No extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair colors.
- Headbands may be worn; scarves and bandanas are not permitted when used as a head covering.
- Other than earrings, no visible piercings are permissible.
- No hoodies may be worn under TCA uniform shirts.
- No coats or jackets are to be worn inside the building.
- No hats or gloves are to be worn inside the building.
Boys Dress Code
- 可以穿棉质和灯芯绒的裤子,裤子必须在腰部或腰部附近(不能穿低腰裤或低腰裤)
- sagging allowed) in solid, navy, tan or black. No denim. No cargo pockets.
- 卡其布风格的短裤,膝盖以上不短于2英寸(非运动风格),可以穿,必须坐着
- 在自然腰部或腰部附近(不允许低腰或下垂),纯色,海军蓝,棕褐色或黑色. No denim.No cargo pockets.
- 只有白色、海军蓝/宝蓝色长袖衬衫,才可穿在TCA短袖制服衬衫内.
- Regular school shoes or athletic footwear.
- No sandals, flip flops, open toed or open heeled footwear are to be worn.
Hair, Nails, Makeup, and Piercings
- Hair must be kept neat and clean.
- Hair must be cut/styled so that it does not cover the eyebrows, completely cover the ear, or rest on the collar.
- No extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair colors.
- No nail polish and/or makeup.
- No visible piercings are permissible.
- No hoodies may be worn under TCA uniform shirts.
- No coats or jackets are to be worn inside the building.
- No hats are to be worn inside the building.
Physical Education
- 所有K - 5年级学生上体育课必须穿著TCA校服. 上课不“穿衣服”将导致学生不能参加体育课,学生将得到一天零分.
- 小学生体育课须穿著TCA运动衫. 他们可以穿从学校商店购买的TCA运动裤或TCA运动短裤上体育课. TCA运动衫可以在教室里穿在TCA运动衫外面,但不能穿在体育课上.
- Athletic footwear is required for physical education. Footwear must either be tied or Velcro; no rubber-soled slip-on footwear or boots will be permitted.
Special Dress / Dress Down Days
- No low-cut shirts.
- No tank-tops, sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps.
- Shorts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee.
- 裙子长度不能短于膝盖以上两英寸(即使里面穿了打底裤).
- 紧身裤可以搭配宽松的衬衫/上衣,完全覆盖前胸和后背.
- Cutouts in pants/shorts can be no higher than two inches above the knee.
- No hats are permitted.
- 男孩不戴耳环,不涂指甲油,不化妆,男孩和女孩都不打面部孔.
- Clothes will have no messages, slogans, or pictures that are inappropriate, divisive, 或由校长或其指定人员决定是否出于种族/政治动机.
- No secular musical groups/artists.
Middle & High School (6th-12th)
Middle and High School Uniform Expectations
所有6 - 12年级的学生都必须穿着TCA颁发的上衣,这些上衣可以在网上或学校商店购买. 父母可以从他们选择的商店购买下装(裙子、短裤和长裤)。.
- 不得有任何实物装饰(衣服、珠宝、手上的文字等).), screensavers, stickers, notebooks, personal items, etc. that have messages, slogans, or pictures that are inappropriate, divisive, or racially/politically motivated. No secular musical groups/artists. 违反这一政策可能会导致比典型的违反着装规定更严格的后果.
- If there is a question as to the appropriateness of apparel, students will be sent to the school office to be checked by a staff member. If apparel does not align with the uniform code, 家长可以携带符合TCA统一规范和/或干净的衣服, acceptable options will be given to the student by the school nurse (e.g., a clean uniform shirt in the student’s size). Please wash and return any borrowed items to the school office.
- Students’ conformity to the dress code is their responsibility.
- It must be recognized that a dress code cannot address every area. For that reason, 政府保留解释着装规定的原则和细节的特权.
Female Dress Code
- While seated, 裙子/短裤/短裤的长度不得短于膝盖以上两英寸,并且必须结实, in navy, tan or black.
- Leggings in solid colors may be worn underneath regulation length, loose fitting, full coverage (front and back) uniform compliant skirts and skorts.
- Cotton, khaki, and corduroy, loose fitting, 可以穿长裤/短裤,但必须穿在腰部或腰部附近(不能穿低腰裤), navy, tan or black; denim or cargo pockets.
Regular school shoes or athletic footwear.
Sandals are permitted for 9th-12th grade only.
Hair and Piercings
- Hair must be kept neat and clean.
- No extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair colors.
- Headbands may be worn; scarves and bandanas are not permitted when used as a head covering.
- Bandanas are not permitted as head coverings.
- Other than earrings, no visible piercings or gauges are permissible.
- No long sleeve shirts or hoodies may be worn under TCA uniform shirts.
- TCA branded outerwear may be worn by 6th – 12th grade students.
- No blankets are to be worn.
- No coats or jackets, except TCA branded jackets from the school store, are to be worn inside the building.
- No hats or gloves are to be worn inside the building.
Male Dress Code
- Cotton, khaki and corduroy, loose fitting, 休闲裤可以穿,但必须穿在腰部或腰部附近(不能穿低腰裤), navy, tan or black; no denim, cargo pockets, and/or sagging is permitted.
- Cotton or khaki shorts, no shorter than two inches above the knee, 可以穿,必须坐在自然腰部或接近腰部(不低腰)在固体, navy, tan or black; no denim, cargo pockets, and/or sagging is permitted.
- Regular school shoes or athletic footwear.
- Sandals are allowable for 9th-12th grade only.
Hair, Nails, Makeup, and Piercings
- Hair must be kept neat and clean.
- Hair must be cut/styled so that it does not cover the eyebrows, completely cover the ear, and must be kept off the shoulder.
- Hair may only be tied up in a black band.
- No extreme hairstyles or unnatural colors.
- Facial hair is permitted but must be well trimmed and nicely groomed.
- No nail polish and/or makeup.
- Bandanas are not permitted as head coverings.
- No visible piercings are permissible including gauges.
- No long sleeve shirts or hoodies may be worn under TCA uniform shirts.
- No blankets are to be worn.
- No coats or jackets, except TCA branded jackets from the school store, are to be worn inside the building.
- No hats or gloves are to be worn inside the building.
Physical Education
student will receive a zero for the day.
- Students are required to wear TCA gym shirts for physical education class. 他们可以穿从学校商店购买的TCA运动裤或TCA运动短裤上体育课.
- Athletic footwear is required for physical education.
Special Dress / Dress Down Days
- No low-cut shirts.
- No tank-tops, sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps.
- Shorts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee.
- 裙子长度不能短于膝盖以上两英寸(即使里面穿了打底裤).
- 紧身裤可以搭配宽松的衬衫/上衣,完全覆盖前胸和后背.
- Cutouts in pants/shorts can be no higher than two inches above the knee.
- No hats are permitted.
- 男孩不戴耳环,不涂指甲油,不化妆,男孩和女孩都不打面部孔.
- Clothes will have no messages, slogans, or pictures that are inappropriate, divisive, 或由校长或其指定人员决定是否出于种族/政治动机.
- No secular musical groups/artists.